The following chart shows the average of the income values reported per affiliate program.

Of all the affiliate programs referenced this chart was created only taking into account those that were referenced by at least three bloggers.

Best Paying Affiliate Programs

best paying affiliate program

The figures...

Affiliate Program Incomes Sum Reference Count Income Average
ReviewMe 3115 7 445
CashCrate 1516.69 4 379.1725
AdSense 7605.99 23 330.69522
Private Sales * 1610 5 322
Text Link Ads 4232.87 14 302.34786
Kontera 1013.96 4 253.49 970.5 5 194.1
PayPerPost 1366.09 9 151.78778
Commission Junction 401.62 4 100.405
Linkworth 659.18 7 94.168571
Tips ** 281.66 5 56.332
Blogsvertise 55 3 18.333333
Amazon 56.42 7 8.06
AuctionAds 13.05 8 1.63125

Income Sum being the addition of all the incomes generated by that program, as reported by the bloggers group of reference.
Reference Count stands for the number of bloggers that reported earnings for that particular program.
Average Income equals the total income reported divided by the number of times one program was referenced. Some bloggers reported the use of a program with zero earnings, this was taken into account.

(*)Private Sales stands for independent ads sales
(**)Tips stand for Buy my data collecting robot a Beer type of donations.

What do those numbers actually mean? It could be argued that a sample of 31 bloggers is not enough to pull any hard conclusions, and I'd agree. In my opinion these figures are a good hint about which affiliate programs are really paying the bills for bloggers today.

What do you think?


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